The body is kept in a warm mud bath with various ingredients for a certain period of time. It is a therapy that strengthens the organism and relieves stress by containing minerals, vitamins, natural antibiotics.
In Cell Renewal; since it is an antioxidant that increases collagen production, it slows down the aging process. In skin tightening; it has a firming effect as it ensures the removal of dead cells and toxins on the skin. As a hormone balancer; it fights against the negative effects of the period called pre-menstrual syndrome, as well as has a hormone balancing effect. Natural inflammation repellent; it relieves muscle and bone problems caused by diseases such as fatigue, extreme strain or rheumatism, arthritis etc. It helps strengthening the immune system.
The mud bath, which has no side effects; not only beautifies; but also good for many diseases. Although there are some mud masks applied to the face area, the mud bath is usually performed by keeping the body in the mud up to the neck area. Mud can have different and diverse contents: for example, mud with radioactive elements and sulfur is beneficial for rheumatism, skin diseases, liver and spleen diseases as well as digestive and nervous system benefits. Some types of mud baths also contain volcanic ash and various minerals.
It is good for back, arm and leg pain.
It resolves cramps and muscle spasms.
It is good for varicose veins.
It balances body hormones.
It accelerates the edema in the body, the excretion of toxins.
It improves blood circulation.
It strengthens the connective tissue.
It regulates the exchange of cells in the cells.
It is effective in cellulite treatment.
It is good for some allergy types.
It removes local excess (oil layers) and thinness.
It prevents aging of the skin.
It moisturizes, naturalizes and nourishes the skin.
It cleans the pores of the skin.
It is good for fatigue.
It gives joy and comfort.